1. Purpose of the Feelkoopro.com website
BACPLUS is aimed at fashion professionals, ready-to-wear retailers (hereinafter, the “Retailers-Buyers”). Via its website www.feelkoopro.com (hereinafter, the "Site"), the Bacplus company offers Retailers-Buyers who have previously created a buyer account on the Site, the possibility of accessing the collections, as well as buy directly on the Site.
2. Object and scope of the present
General Conditions of Use and Sale These General Conditions of Use and Sale are intended to inform Retailers-Buyers of the terms and conditions under which the Site proceeds with the sale of Articles on the Site and the delivery of Articles. ordered (hereinafter, the “General Conditions”).
The General Conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all sales of the Items offered on the Site.
Consequently, the fact for the Retailer-Buyer to order an Item offered for sale on the Site entails full acceptance of the General Conditions of which the Retailer-Buyer acknowledges having read prior to his order.
The term user refers to any person browsing the Site, whether Retailers-Buyers or any other Internet user visiting the pages of the Site accessible to the public (hereinafter, “the Users”).
3. Purchasing Items on the Site
Access to the buyer's account is exclusively reserved for professionals legally capable of entering into contracts under French law.
Opening an account is free and without obligation to purchase on the Site.
BACPLUS reserves the right to refuse any person who does not meet the admission criteria.